This place belongs to all of us. It is everyone’s job to make sure that the people, plants, and structures on our playground are safe and that this is always a fun place for everyone to play and grow. These rules apply all the time, not just when school is in session.
1. All play is to be fun, kind, and considerate of others. This playground is not a place for rough play, including tackling, pushing or play-fighting.
2. Shoes must be worn by everyone on the playground at all times.
3. Use everything on the playground appropriately. Nothing should be used to hurt or threaten others.
4. Stay where an adult can see you.
5. Do not stand up on the swings, monkey bars, red tires, or top of the climbing wall.
6. Stay within the playground’s boundaries.
7. All students need to be outside for recess unless they get permission from an adult. Please let an adult know if you are going inside to the bathroom or office.
8. Stay safe when you climb and do not climb higher than you are comfortable jumping from safely.
Do not climb:
· the poles or chains of the swings
· the top of the play structure above the tire swing or along the railing
· on any of the trees
· other areas adults have placed off limits for climbing
9. Everyone helps with clean-up when they are finished playing and after the last recess of the day.