Preschool Tuition and Fees, 2023-2024 (PDF)
K-5 Tuition and Fees, 2023-2024 (PDF)
Financial Aid
We are able to provide some financial assistance for K-5 students via a formal application process each spring detailed in the document below.
Financial Aid Application/Process 2023-2024 (PDF)
Merit Scholarships
We award scholarships to students in Kindergarten-5th grade who not only have the characteristics of a successful student, but also demonstrate exceptional abilities in at least one of the following areas.
Scholarships are not need-based and are independent of financial aid. See details and application in the document below.
Each financial aid award and scholarship’s duration is for one academic year, after which time a new application may be filled and awarded for the following year. A student is welcome to apply for both a scholarship and financial aid.